
What is the hidden meaning of the word Finlathuania? Any guessings? Give your brain a break because we will definitely tell you!

We are inviting you to a guided tour around two countries within less than two hours! Let's improve your knowledge of Finlathuania with fascinating facts, stories, and trustworthiness that will make you think.

  • We are willing to break misconceptions and stereotypes.
  • We believe that cooperation is over the competition.
  • We are from different countries with different backgrounds.
  • We are unique. Every country is unique.

Come at 18:30 to Dom Quo Vadis and join us! We do not want to overpromise, but there is something we can assure - you will unquestionably fill in the "baggage of treasures" by sitting in the chair with a cup of coffee!

Dátum udalosti: 
21.11.2018 - 18:3020:30

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Rádio Mária